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Effective Street Patrol Handbook

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Book one of my exclusive coaching calls where I'll help you with:

  • Mental survival for law enforcement

  • Street patrol tactics or techniques

  • Career advancement or progression

  • Leaving law enforcement

  • Social media growth

  • General Q&A's

Why work with me?

  • I spent 14-years in law enforcement where I was selected for two specialized units

  • I transitioned out to the private sector managing professionals across the U.S. and earned two promotions in under 2-years

  • I built the Survive Policing platform from nothing to over 21,000 followers, 1,000 email subscribors, and 260+ students of the Effective Street Patrol Course

  • I've helped thousands of cops become more effective and mentally prepared police officers

  • I've spent 3-years volunteering to help coach military veterans with their transition to the civilian sector

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